Dine in January. And in fact ... well, I missed the debut of February's issue. But the store ordered some more and I will pick it up next week. So this might become a regular thing?
2. To go along with R2D2's Guide to Folding and Doodling
Then ... run/walk 500 miles using the Zombies Run app. Over the course of the ENTIRE YEAR.
And ... finished the book yesterday. Sadly, didn't love it as much as The Passage. Anyway, appendicitis threw a wrench into the run/walking and I am WAY behind. First for real HAD to take a break. Then I was lazy and let myself. Tomorrow is another day, right? ACCOUNTABILITY.
4. Read Penguin and Pinecone.
Then make a video (either a booktalk or just something about penguins!) using the puppet I got at SeaWorld last spring. My puppet is more lifelike than the cute book illustrations but I don't think that matters. DO things like make videos. Don't just think about it!
Nope. Haven't even started on that one.
5. Straight up stealing straight the visit new indie bookstores goal. Right now I know of exactly ONE. Does this have something to do with watching You've Got Mail last week?
6. At some point this year I will be moving into a new place. It will have a little closet under the stairs. Don't freak out that it won't be perfect ... just paint it something like THIS. I am going to be the coolest aunt ever with a reading nook. ;)
Anyone seen other pictures of Potter Nooks that they love?
7. A wall of bookcases in new place! A WALL. Only ... I want to paint the back of the shelves an accent color. Not sure what color the walls will be yet, or I'd start obsessing over that.
Well, they just finished clearing. Foundation will start next week. Gonna be a while on this one, too.
8. I feel like I should do something Oz-ish. I can't decide about the new movie adaptation preview. But hey. I need to think of something because the kids will be excited about the book! Any ideas?
This seems like an awful lot of work and only tangentially Oz related. Like is it even, really? Just found it on an Oz pinterest board.
NEED IDEAS! Or should I stick with this cloud one?
9. Also a kind of stolen idea ... book art. Only I am going to try Knuffle Bunny style with some photos I take (part of a goal ... photography!) and illustrations that I will get my nieces and nephews to make. ;) Had a student have to come show me that Trixie was reading a P&E book today. And a new Sunday School student that was SO IMPRESSED I knew about Mo Willems. So ... Knuffle Bunny style book art.
Haven't even started this one yet. But maybe during a visit with two of my nieces?
10. I WISH I could say "Visit Prince Edward Island." But I do not think that one will happen this year. So we'll say when I get into my new kitchen? Host some sort of get together and try making this.
Considering I burned one of my mother's new pans yesterday I may want to rethink this goal ... :/

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