
Monday, December 3, 2012

Glyphs & Flat Gingys

Today we made Pete the Cat Saves Christmas Glyphs in a kinder class. The Petes were freehanded (after purchasing and seeing Deanna Jump's unit). Then we made them glyphs. Red Hats for if you've ever seen a deer in real life, Green Hats if not. Beard if you've gone on a long car trip with your family, and whiskers if you've been on a plane. Red shoes if you've had a bad cold. White shoes if you've never. I'd give you the nice sign I made to display with the glyphs but it uses hats from DJInkers and I don't have their license. Or ... wait. If it's a freebie you don't have to have a license, right? I must go look that up.

Last week we made Little Red's Glyphs with two first grade classes. Other classes have actually come by and used the data collection sheets!

PS So the polar bear on the train was easier. But can anyone think of a fun book with an elf? That's NOT Elf on the Shelf?

And truly we do not spend all of our time doing art. But second grade is going to do a Flat Gingy project. The goals? 1)Get more of them reading Flat Stanley! 2)Writing about what they will do with their Flat Gingy. And 3)A little bit of fun. So we'll see. Gave them two weeks to take Gingy on an adventure and write about it!



  1. Love this idea. If you think about it, can you post a link to Deanna Jump's unit. Thanks. Also did you use a pattern for the Flat Gingy?

    1. Do you know ... I can't find it on her store anymore. So I can say this. 9X12 paper? Fold and cut in thirds so that you have three pieces that are four inches by nine inches. Round off the corners of one for the body. Cut the other two ... about in half. Make one the head. One cut into four strips for the feet. One becomes a curly tail. Voila! I will find the file for the glyph page and post it. If it's a freebie I can. I checked with DJ Inkters TOU.
      I used this unit for the Gingys cause it came with a letter to send home and writing paper. Would be pretty easy to come up with your own pattern, though. I was just too lazy. :/

  2. Cool, Angie! You always do such fun stuff with your students! I have a Pete the Cat party coming up (rewarding a kinder class for returning books), and I may borrow your glyph idea for party fun!
