(Also ... goodbye all Picmonkey effects for free. I will either have to learn how to use Photoshop Elements (which I actually have) or fork out the $5 a month. Which is not bad, in the grand scheme, as Picmonkey was Just. So. Easy. But when you already have PElements you feel ridiculous paying MORE.)
Tomorrow we will host a presenter who will be encouraging kids to "Catch the Reading Express." Hopefully that will be fun!
I have grand reading plans for the break. And ... exercise. I REALLY need to do that.
I will not think about the LONG staff meeting reiterating safety procedures that have always been in place but not always emphasized. One is "Keep your classroom doors locked at all times." Hmm. Well. Our classroom doors are the front doors so what do you say about that.

Hi Ms O, You may also want to take a look at Ribbet:
It's based on the original Picnik platform and has all the same features and interface. They're also giving away free premium: just register to take part.
Well. That is just AWESOME. Thanks!