Our Kid Lit to YA version is hosted by Teach Mentor Texts.
GREAT IDEA! Check out all of the What Are You Reading? participants for title ideas.

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
The little animals are cute.
Will have to see what the kids think of this. Do they recognize the friend that always breaks things?

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
OK. The former Spanish teacher in me is excited by this one. Good reason to practice. I also love the colorful art. Wish I could actually make arroz con leche as we read this. #somanyrules

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Hmmm. I am not sure what to say about this book.
The idea is funny. Poor little misunderstood baby who if people who just LISTEN to him? He knows what's going on!
But ... all the bickering between the other siblings was more than a little annoying. I don't love this one.

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I love the picture with the silhouettes of a howling Wiener Wolf and the real wolf against the moon. And Wiener Wolf/Dog's eyes at the end of the chase (I prefer not to think of WHY they are so big ... just that it is funny he saw something that freaked him out).
On a totally unrelated note I think it is ironic the book description uses the word "ennui." Now, I can make a fairly educated guess from context what that word means ... but am I SURE? Would I EVER use that word on my own? Nope.

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I love the picture with the silhouettes of a howling Wiener Wolf and the real wolf against the moon. And Wiener Wolf/Dog's eyes at the end of the chase (I prefer not to think of WHY they are so big ... just that it is funny he saw something that freaked him out).
On a totally unrelated note I think it is ironic the book description uses the word "ennui." Now, I can make a fairly educated guess from context what that word means ... but am I SURE? Would I EVER use that word on my own? Nope.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I do love this story. Shows what having an accepting and welcoming attitude can do.
I, however, am not a natural storyteller--I need the words on the page to help! So I'm not exactly sure how to share this one with the kids in a group setting. Will definitely recommend for checkouts, though.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Love the illustrations and the juxtaposition of two different (but the same!) worlds.
I remember having a penpal from Swaziland when I was a kid. We continued to write for a couple years then drifted from doing so.
I know there are epals and Skype chats (when time zones can match up) with classes from other countries. I just don't see anyone doing them in my circles. Dunno if it's because I just don't hear about it (I'm the school librarian ... so to do anything with kids I need to get the teacher on board) or because they are so busy with testing and interventions and differentiation and accountability it keeps getting pushed down on the list of "to dos."

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Some good advice in here about keeping a star in your pocket as well as sharing. And all the different places you can find a star.
LOVE the illustrations. Oddly enough not as big a fan of the font choice but that is not a huge thing.
Still need to finish Feedback. And get to In a Glass Grimmly. Allergy headaches pretty much knocked me out after school every day. That or meetings. #abitonthewimpysidearentI?
Oh! And here are some bookmarks if you like them. Had trouble coming up with different "sayings." If you have an idea let me know and I'll update the file!

Happy that the farm maiden inspired the former Spanish teacher in you! There is an Activity and Discussion Guide available, too (in addition to the recipe, which I'm sure you'd make well): http://www.samanthavamos.com/pdf/CAZUELA-Activity-Guide.pdf
ReplyDeleteAll best,
Samantha Vamos