
Saturday, November 17, 2012


I found this on Craigslist this morning. I have never randomly searched Craiglist for anything before in my life.

This would be for home, not school. Craftiness. Office supplies. TV remotes. I don't know ... it's just so tempting.

So not a bargainer, though.



  1. There are four, yes FOUR, of the originals in my library right now. They are much larger than the one in your picture. I guess the former librarian was using them as end tables. I don't know what to do with them. Sigh.

    1. See if you can sell them as a library fundraiser! As I've been poking around the bigger ones are going for $1200 as like artist studio pieces. Very handy for organizing small bits of lots of stuff.
      Though knowing educational system red tape and all ... you'd probably get a no answer. #onecandream
      If it's still available on Monday I think I shall get it. Other stuff to do today and I don't shop on Sundays. So we'll see.

    2. I've been told I can't sell anything from my library because it is public property. :-( $1,200 each??? That would have been awesome!

    3. Bummer! Even if it was for a publicly funded library? I mean, totally obvious one couldn't keep the $ personally. That wouldn't be right. But FOR the library? Figures. :/

  2. I want to buy a card catalog! Not a huge one, but I love the size of the one from Craig's list. Did you buy it?

    Alaina - could you post pictures? Of course I'm in Kansas and most likely you're not.

    1. Even if I was allowed to sell them, I'm in Virginia so that would have been a hefty shipping fee! :-)

    2. Meeting on Monday to see it. So ... maybe. ;]

  3. I scored a small one in a church yard sale once. Best thing ever! It has 12 drawers that I keep small weird stuff in: tea lights, nail care, ipod parts, batteries, etc. All that stuff that might go together in a junk drawer. I think the old one from my school library is in our Art room. She uses it to store markers, scissors, etc.

  4. I had one in a library a few years ago and used it to store supplies, like pencils and glue sticks. I would love to have one at home. Go for it, Ms. O!

  5. Ooooh that would be so fun for my scrapbooking supplies! You should go for it!

  6. I must admit ... as of about six hours ago? IT IS MINE! Silly grin all day. ;)
    On a side note ... and that includes during a MEAN TRX workout with my trainer. I so dislike working out. Given my choice I would never ever do it. I don't do it as often as I should.
