
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

FAB-uloso Idea

Click through and read her blog post. Then come back. ;]

OK. Isn't it fun? I've been moping a little bit because I couldn't get any teachers behind Star Wars Reads Day. They were too overwhelmed/stressed/perhaps not SW fans. But something like this I could do on my own. Now, it will have to wait until the spring bookfair because we are broke in terms of anything beyond book money. Even that is just about gone. And I can't keep spending my own cash. The prizes for the pumpkin book character contest got EXPENSIVE. But here is what I am thinking.

April. It's the blah-blah-blah testing month. Ugh. WE WILL NEED SOME FUN.
I already have a play light saber. :]
Just need to get a stand-up (or, preferably, borrow one, as they are not cheap ... several years ago we had a family that had a life size Yoda statue which was AWESOME but they are gone now).

AND ... two things I got during the cyber sale at TPT?

Literature Circles From a Galaxy Far Far Away (LOVE. Why did I not think of this?)
Say Anything Blank Comics (has a couple Star Wars inspired pages ... another DUH Why did I not think of this moment? Do you know how many SW-centric clip art packages I have?)

I am home today with a rotten, rotten headache. Dunno if it's a cold or allergies or I am developing migraines. Ninety percent of this post was pre-written. Maybe I'll take a nap and get some great ideas. I hate missing school ... even worse when I really don't feel good. It's more fun to take a MENTAL health day than a physical one. :X


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