
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Weekend Pins & HP Quotes Project in Progress

This pin leads to a cool little article about creating a iPad podcasting studio in a school. HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE?

Source: via Angie on Pinterest

I was reminded of this just tonight (technically Thursday ... I'm scheduling ahead cause I've got stuff to do this weekend!) when a little boy I teach Sunday School to had his mom bring him over to give me a picture and a little snack. It was the CUTEST THING EVER on a day ... well, on a day I've been wondering a bit about if it is worth all the stress. Will not dwell ... Heavenly Father answered me on that one before I ever even asked. Yes. It is.

I need these. BADLY.


And now it's Friday night and I'm updating this post before it goes live tomorrow. I HAVE the clip art. Many other things to do and yet this is what I've been working on. Clip art by Melonheadz and frames by Teaching in a Small Town. Fonts by Jen Jones. Dunno what I will even do with it. Kind of useless but it makes me happy.

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