
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Professional Development

photo credit: pinkpurse via photopin cc

(Not that the day was a total frustration ... was relatively decent, actually, as prof. dev. usually go. I just found this pic when looking for one to add to my presentation on frustrations with e-books and all the different vendors. And it made me laugh. So I had to use it again. ;)

Whole day. Let's see ... shall we recap?

8 AM Training on inputting interventions into database. I don't really do that (so far have not been asked to tutor in small groups ... I have done bookclubs while teachers worked with small groups but no RTI data stuff for me yet! Let's keep it that way!) so I sat in the back. :/

9 AM ish Counselors talking about how students come with background "stuff" in their backpacks. Yes. I'm sure that is true. :/ Also some "birds of a feather" personality assessment. Apparently I am an owl.

10 AM Writer's Workshop. I can deal with this one. Pretty much know most of it and some does not apply ... but it is a reminder that I could (somehow? WHEN I don't know but somehow?) be pulling more mentor texts.

11 AM ish Lunch. Oh, lunch. Why are you so hard? Packing you takes me thinking than I usually have. Plus they don't taste good. Running out to get something gets expensive plus I usually don't make wise choices there, either.

12:30 PM New state tech standards FINALLY coming into play. FINALLY. Also a teacher and/or (they don't really know yet :/) digital portfolio. I can get behind that. MUCH more useful than the ridiculous tests we had to take a year or two ago.

1 PM I am on! K-2 e-books in our online catalog and databases. Also a little bit of e-writing with Kerpoof and Storybird. Mostly e-books in the catalog. 3-5 with ITS learning Teacher Web stuff.

2 PM And we switch! 3-5 comes in and a lovely teacher starts them off with the Turning Point Response systems "clickers." Of course there had been a software update which confused everyone. She pulled through like a champ, though. I took about 20 minutes talking to 3-5 about e-books when she was done. K-2 in with Teacher Web stuff.

3 PM SMART Notebook Gallery Also presented by another teacher (THANK YOU K. & S.!). Everyone was tired by then but hey. If we got one teacher to not be afraid to open up the program and play with it so much the better.

Once upon a time I'd sort of planned out four hours of digital storytelling (the original amount of time me, myself, and I was going to have to fill ... eeeeeek! multiplied!) and I started pinning. Eventually. Would be SO AWESOME, wouldn't it? But not with only me teaching. Other people, too, please.


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