I gave a presentation at our Region 20 Library Resources Roundup today. I talked too fast. :/ If you were there ... thank you for coming! Please ask any questions cause I know I flew through everything. I do that when I get nervous. I keep thinking ONE DAY I WON'T GET NERVOUS. Hasn't happened yet. Check it out on the Connecting with Authors tab. :/
Will have to do a post on Flipboard soon. Cause it is awesome. I should have shown it in the presentation today. PROVE (Cause truly, I could tell from some faces, they thought what I was talking about would take a long time. It doesn't!) how easy it could be.
And maybe a FB Fan pages post? I'm no expert but I think that people are unnecessarily afraid. I mean, the news sensationalizes bad stories. There are WAY more positive experiences than negative ones.
But. It's the weekend. YAY!
Here are some pins that I found in the last week or two that I thought were pretty cool.
For UGLY UGLY UGLY filing cabinet in library? Would they "let" me do it? It's a district filing cabinet. And stick with the b&w or maybe use ... like I can think of a Scholastic World Records book sitting on my desk that is falling apart. And several graphic novels (Seriously? The bindings on so many of them are NOT GOOD). Would that make it too "busy" visually?
I want to make these this weekend. But I'm not sure what book I'll sacrifice. The "matchy" part of me wants it to be a fall/Halloween book. But that would defeat the "upcycling" aspect.
HOW FLIPPING COOL. Does this really work? Only we can't ever get the library very dark. As it's a hallway ... can't turn off all the lights.
Oh, goodness. Voldemort has really been around lately. Pollen's not even high yet.
In October? Still deciding on some of the plans. Spider stories & non-fic again? A Mr. Wiggle's "craftivity" for PreK (will it help? They are our most difficult to get to treat the books kindly)? What will I do for a storybook character pumpkin? We've never done them before and I'm a little nervous as to how many people will participate. I don't "need" a huge showing but it will be sad if like only two people decorate and bring in a pumpkin. And I'm one of them.
Just got asked by admin this morning to work on some tech inservice for our campus for Oct. 8. THIS IS A FIRST!!! Added stress but added opportunities to preach the information literacy and don't be afraid of tech gospel.
I just got Creepy Carrots from Amazon and it is HILARIOUS. And creepy. I must include carrots in my decor in the coming month. If I get to decorating beyond signage.
And since I really don't want to make my blog annoying I will just say ... I like my October library display signs. And you can get them here for $3.
Actually. I lied. I just put stuff on sale. 15% off through Sunday. So it's like $2.55? Right? #mathonafriday

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