Four hours. Not this coming Monday but the next.
Bookfair this week and all the accounting so that we can pay for ...
An author visit next week (KATE MESSNER!).
No love on my campus for the Star Wars Reads day. :/
Enough wallowing. Won't mention the copious amounts of chocolate and lack of exercise in the last couple of days.
1) Asked a third grade teacher to talk about the Turning Point Response Systems. Otherwise known as "clickers." I don't use them too often but teachers have a lot more reason to practice with multiple choice, no?
2) Another third grade teacher is going to talk about some SMART/Notebook stuff.
3) Still hoping to get more teachers willing to talk! They don't want to sit and listen to me, no matter how much I might have stuff to say. ;]
4) E-books. We have some that teachers can find directly from our catalog. From several different vendors so that can get kind of confusing. That will be me!
5) Databases?
6) Would love to get a teacher to talk about using audio recordings. Digital voice recorders and iTouches. Ideas on specifics for classroom use? I know what I would use them for. But this is for them. ;]
7) Video recordings. Flips, the few iTouches we have that have cameras. THEIR cameraphones? Again. I know what I would do. But regular classroom? What should I share? Or, better yet ... one of THEM share?
8) Apps. I could talk about those all day. But they don't all have regular access to school devices.

PS I MUST do something better in preparation for the next bookfair. Poor kiddos. They have no money sense. "I have two dollars" when in reality they have a ten and a five. Or, WAAAAAAAY more often ... they come up with five books and want to pay for it with $.31. "No honey. I'm sorry. You can't buy a book with that much money." Was going to laminate a few of the flyers and make a center for some practice ... but BIG SURPRISE. Our laminator is broken. Again. We got a new one two years ago because the last one was held together with duct tape. It worked better than this new one!
PS PS Boring blog post with no pics!
I just remembered Star War Reads Day, and today I have all of the sixth graders in the building, so I think I need to pull out what I have and sell them. Drat! Could have brought my Darth Vader mask and light saber. Next year!