I know this says "bro" tip but I think it can fit for all of us, no? I have been in my pajamas for an hour already. It was that kind of week! And now it's actually raining. #irony
Ahem. Back to the main topic. Bloggiesta. What am I going to do? I must admit I did not plan ahead and make goals earlier.
Let's start with the mini-challenges.
Time Management and Organization. Egads do I need that one! Find the challenge here.
I did sort of have a schedule once upon a time.
- Monday was "What Are You Reading?"
- Then "Tech Tuesday."
- After that "Wonder Wednesday."
- Then ... I forgot Thursday.
- And "Fast Five Fridays" because seriously, sometimes coming up with a top ten was a lot!
Not sure I'd go back to that, though. Maybe for the mini-challenge ... I'm out of blog posts that I've started. The one half-finished one is probably going to stay that way. So ... this weekend ... get at least ... what shall we say. Eight ideas and posts at least started so that I can revise and finish over the next month? And maybe come up with a template for some kind of post.
Then there's the Evernote challenge. I actually already have an account. And it's already a Tech Goal. So ... Bloggiesta-specific goal will be to copy/paste comment link HTML and whatever template I come up with into an Evernote notebook.
Step outside comfort zone. Hmm. Not really sure what that would look like. Must contemplate further.
Building a blog audience. Slowly but surely. Thank you to everyone who's already stopped by! Goal ... visit 10 new blogs and comment!
Revitalizing Old Content. Interesting. Must look into some cross-linking of posts, updating a couple older posts, and adding some related posts links.
Not sure about the Let's Get Personal challenge. I sort of already do that. Have posted pics of family (not a lot but I have!) and discussed my love for chocolate and Star Wars. And love/hate relationship with the gym.
K. Off to brainstorm and comment. Maybe will hit the Twitter chat (maybe will fall asleep before it starts :/). Will be back tomorrow to report midway!

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