And then have been a little distracted today. But even that said ... I think I've accomplished some great things in the time I've spent!
1) Worked on some post labeling. I always forget to do that. So that's step one in the "Revitalizing Old Content" challenge.
2) Time Management and Organization mini-challenge ... planning calendar in the works! You'll see it tomorrow. Got three ideas for each week (I can't pre-schedule too much because a) real-life gets in the way; and b) my best ideas tend to come last minute. Hence my constant state of stress!
3) Building a Blog Audience and commenting on new-to-me blogs. That is on my Sunday-afternoon Bloggiesta list!
4) Evernote. Tonight (still need to hit the gym :X) my goal is to actually go back and read/watch some of the Evernote info I have pinned. Then tomorrow afternoon I can figure out how it will help me be a more interesting and helpful blogger.
5) Stepping Outside Comfort Zone. Still not sure what that would be. Once upon a time while my sis-in-law was in town next week I was going to have her take a couple headshots. She is a super talented photographer. But I will probably chicken out. Still fighting extra pounds and hair that when I leave the salon looks FAB but I can never replicate for myself. And there. You just got two things way more personal than you wanted. A challenge completed. :/
This morning part of my distraction was these two projects. They came from blog planning. Which led to school planning. Oh, and internet surfing because I need to come up with a book character pumpkin decorating idea. Apparently I have a touch of an attention problem. ;]

Having a blog schedule was needed at Owl Read It, we have 3 reviewrs, so we were getting multiple reviews some days and none others, that problem was fixed :) Looks like you are getting quite a bit done!