
Monday, August 13, 2012

What Are You Reading & Monday Cameo Made It

It's Monday! What are you Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journeys. It is a great way to recap what you read and/or reviewed the previous week and to plan out your reading and reviews for the upcoming week. It's also a great chance to see what others are reading right now… who knows, you might discover that next “must read” book!

Our Kid Lit to YA version is hosted by Teach Mentor Texts.
GREAT IDEA! Check out all of the What Are You Reading? participants for title ideas.

The reading has slowed down. A LOT. *insert slightly sad face here* *but only slightly because hey! the kids!*

Lunch Lady and the Mutant Mathletes (review when I finish all of them and do a LL post)
Lunch Lady and the Cyborg Substitute (same)
Babymouse Burns Rubber (same ... only a Babymouse post)

Black Heart (Curse Workers, #3)Black Heart by Holly Black
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Cassell pulls off his best work yet on this one.


Does it have to be over?

The Third GateThe Third Gate by Lincoln Child
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I think I like his work with Douglas Preston best ... but hey. Any good mysteries set in Egypt, right?

I'm listening to Everlost by Neal Shusterman while I'm on the treadmill or bike. I'd better finish it!
I really must finish the professional books.
Plus I have 3 more Sisters 8 books checked out from the library.
And The Hollow City (Dan Wells) And my E-ARCS.
Apartment 101 is ... sort of dragging. The main characters are in high school but the story reads like an overly simplified juvenile fic, if that makes sense.
Trying to get through the E-ARC of In a Glass Grimly but the format is strange (2 page spreads so I have to zoom in to even read it and then turning the page is hard).
Gem (Holly Hobbie) and a Lunch Lady are waiting for me on the library hold shelf.

And my Monday Made It's? More like Monday About Two-Thirds Finished ...

These are going to go inside the Super Hero Stuff table supply boxes (PS Melonheadz clip art ... SO CUTE!). They are for, obviously, pencils. Bummer thing is they are about an inch too short to put the lid on if you have new pencils. Pencils won't stay new for long.

These ... I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to do with them. Laminate and put sticks on the back. Then ... hmmm. Not really sure. Kids can use them to show books they like during book talks? Silly to make something I'm not sure what I'm even going to do with.

Imagine 7 or 8 of each of these (plus some flags I still have to make and the letters of the author's name) hanging as a fishing line banner from the ceiling of the library. Do you know what visit we are preparing for from these hints?



  1. The Lunch Lady and Babymouse books are so popular at our school that they are always out... they are such fun books.

    1. I think that's pretty much why it's taken me so long to get to them. Guess I don't mind monopolizing the public library's copies as much as ours. ;]

  2. We just started getting Lunch Lady titles at the end of the year--thanks Junior Library Guild! I know my kids are going to keep them circulating as we go back to school. I'm hoping to add the rest of the series as soon as I get to my first purchase orders.

    1. Oh, totally. What's REALLY embarrassing is we hosted the author a couple years ago. I think there were only a couple Lunch Lady books at the time.

  3. Yay! for Babymouse and the Lunch Lady books! There is a lot of love for the Holly Black book--I'll have to check out the series. Have fun getting ready for school!


    1. Yep. I'm kind of sorry to see the series end. Though I guess better to end on top than do something terrible and make it lame. Enjoy!

  4. ooo, I just finished Holly Black's Red Glove. Can't wait to read Black Heart. SUCH a good series.

    1. It really is pretty fun. Would have loved to see it go on ... but sometimes it's good to know when to end.

  5. Lots of Holly Black in this week's posts... I need to check them out!

    I love Lunch Lady and Babymouse too :)

  6. I like to listen to books while I clean! It certainly helps the time go by! I am your latest follower--and I would love to have you come by and visit and even enter the giveaway!

  7. Is it Sea Monster's First Day? That's my best guess. Looks like fun! I love the idea of a thumbs up/thumbs down. The thumbs up is kind of like "liking" something on Facebook! I wonder if you could tie into that...while you book talk, kids could put their thumbs up if they "like it". Very fun!

  8. Just found you through the linky and am your newest follower. :) Great made-its!

    Teaching Maddeness
