
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Are We All Ready for a Nap?

These are both reposts ... but I figured long time readers could just skim past and if you haven't been around for as long ... here you are! Going back to school ... my brain is still a little fried. It will come back soon. Hopefully.

Freebies! Not even putting them in the TPT shop to see how many people download them. Though comments and pins are always appreciated. ;]

Ask and ye shall receive. Scrappin Doodles made them into digital stamps! Yay! Get the bookmarks here cause I've yet to figure out how to link up a picture. :/ #behindthetimes

So I'm still playing with these graphics. GEEK THRILL and all. Updated the signs to include Chewie, Luke, Leia, and R2D2. Took a commenter's suggestion (THANK YOU) and ... well, actually I changed the suggested person. Instead of Leia that one is actually with Chewie. As soon as I though of this quote for Leia I had to do it. Maybe the kiddos won't know how funny this is? We'll see. I can do another one of Leia with the kissing quote if we want.


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