
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wonder-ful Wednesday

Still determined to not totally give up on making our library A Place for Wonder. (If you are a teacher librarian OR classroom teacher ... GO! Read this book. If you are not that's OK ... still keep reading. ;])

The interactive bulletin board. I used sheet protectors and pins ... a Wonder question from Wonderopolis in the top sheet protector with a summarized answer beneath. Some of the kiddos really liked it. I'd see them reading the question and answer. Others ... well. It wasn't a total loss but I did get quite frustrated with all of the push pins that went missing and sheet protectors that would then go flying all over the floor. Lots of "idle hands" as it was right at a stopping point in the hallway where all the classes would stand. So probably rethinking that. Plus as nice and easy as that was for a bulletin board to change out (swap out papers in sheet protectors)? Should reflect student work completed in the library. Only kids in lines pick at that, too. And I find it hard ... if I do an activity with more than one class ... whose gets put up on the board? Not room for an entire grade level! But I digress.

So I'm thinking ... more shelf talkers? Wonder questions displayed next to areas where books that might answer the questions would be located? Little like 5X7 plastic frames, maybe? Your thoughts on images ... one (like a light bulb or magnifying glass) that is common to all of the Wonder displays or a different image for each one? I go back and forth ... black and white is boring but color is expensive to print. I will add to this file once school starts so if you think you might be interested and want to open it so that it shows up in your Google drive feel free. :]

PS I'm not sure ... you might have to add this font yourself. Did you know Google Docs got a bunch of new fonts? When you click on fonts just choose "Add" and then you have a whole boatload of new choices. Ask if you get stuck. Or Google it.

We have a digital frame. Sadly it turned out that putting stuff on it was harder than I thought it would be (that's what happens when you have to go with the less-expensive stuff ... so it hasn't been used much). But maybe I need to just COWGIRL UP and get it done? And put the Wonder questions and answers on there?

If we had more desktop computers I'd designate one as a Wonder station. We only have four. And (if any of my wonderful faculty read this know that I love you anyway but I'm probably kicking you out or at least limiting you this coming year!) teachers are always monopolizing  them so we don't even have something available for the kids to look up books in the online catalog. I was SO EXCITED when one teacher suggested that Wonderopolis might make for a good writing station in the classroom. That is a total great start.

Of course I do not have a picture of our Wonder box. I started to get some good student submitted questions ... right before testing season began. #lame #couldntanswerthem My weekly video never happened. It will be a goal again this year ... must get over fear of camera and remember to USE the camera!


PS Wonderopolis? It's a free app. GET IT if you have kiddos that have cool questions. How fun would that be to write those? If you are a parent ... check out the Camp What a Wonder. Summer might be (too rapidly!) coming to a close but these are some fun activities that could be done at any time. You can also follow them on Twitter. On Thursday evenings they have special parent "chats."

PSPS Just saw this pin.

Hmm. Could this be incorporated? And maybe tied in to a schoolwide superhero theme?


  1. I'm confused (which is nothing new for me). lol I have only used Google Docs to upload my files to share with others. Do you use Google Docs to create documents instead of Word (or other program)? I'm just wondering if there is a better way to do things and I'm missing the boat. Thanks.

  2. I love the idea of the "wondering" spread out around the library next to the books that might answer the question. I don't know how your library looks, but ours have the shorter shelves so we put library book displays on could use the 4X6 or 5X7 frames on top of the shelves to hold the wonders. OR...put a star or something under the glass and then use Expo to write on the glass?? OR...Ok, just kidding. But maybe I'll think of something else...I love your idea!

    Craft of Teaching

  3. Love your wonder idea for the library!

    I'm wondering what are 2 good historical fiction books I can read to my 5th graders about:

    Native Americans
    American Revolution
    Civil War

    Any suggestions? I've already chosen my 2 for 6th grade-The Boy in the Striped Pajamas and The Watsons Go to Birmingham.

