Thursday, July 5, 2012

Pinterest & Teacher Librarians

So I know there has been a lot of press lately about Pinterest ... and here I am jumping on that bandwagon. But I've been using it for about a year now and I have to say that even though I know it's not perfect in terms of copyright (just pin to the original source as much as humanly possible, please!) and it can be a serious "time sucker" (give yourself 15 minutes a day) ... I like it! Helped me to find lots of cool ideas that I've used with the kiddos very successfully.

(Original CorkBoard photo from Flickr user net-efekt)

I'm sure I missed more than a few (is there a way to see who you repin the most besides the three listed on your profile page?) ... but here are some whose pins I find the most interesting/useful/flat out COOL that were not listed in the SLJ article.

Isn't it funny ... have you seen that ecard that talks about how you feel like you could be friends with someone just because of their Pinterest boards? Only actually KNOW a couple of these people ... and yet feel a strange Internet-based kinship with some of them.

Find a balance. If you follow ALL of someone's boards then you may be overwhelmed. If you choose to only follow a couple you might miss out when they start creating a new board. Pick and choose to find what works for you!

ATBOT/The Book Bug/Sharing the Shelves
Random House Kids
Harper Children
Reading Rockets
Amy Bansak
Laurie Leavitt
Linda's Links
Valerie Fort
Ashley Kurth
Kirsten Murphy
Max Macias
Regina Hartley: Hey Twitter friend!
Book Butcher: not as active anymore but hopefully again soon. Another Twitter friend!
Sara Romine: I know her in real life. So many great ideas and energy she shares!
Sherry Phillipus: Just off a difficult year she passed with flying colors. Can't wait to see what she does this year!
Cari Young: Centered School Library blogger. Know her, too!

Matt Gomez: I heard him present at a recent iPad mini-conference. He's a kindergarten teacher doing AMAZING things. Check out his Pinterest boards AND his website and Twitter feeds.
Jessica Jackson Meacham:
Lisa Johnson : of the TechChef4U app and AppyHour podcast. At least I think that's the name of it?
Donna Baumbach
Jennifer Jones: Also make sure to follow her blog Hello Literacy.
Elizabeth Eastman
Cyndi Danner-Kuhn
Erin Klein

General Coolness that Is Difficult to Categorize (both authors)
Winston Breen
Michael Scott


This post has been updated for summer 2013. Find it HERE.


  1. Arrrrgh! I don't GET Pinterest. It's hard to use and it makes me want to throw things! I guess I am just on the wrong side of the Panty Hose Divide, age wise, to find this appealing. Pinterest is like Dino Park Tycoon-- I just know that all my dinosaurs are going to die and the park will be closed within five minutes. Man. Another thing all the cool kids are doing that I'm not.

    1. Try and relate Pinterest back to your childhood. Did you cut out pictures and recipes from magazines and newspapers when you were younger and keep them taped in a scrapbook? If so, Pinterest is the same thing only in an electronic version. And, instead of just cutting out your own pictures and recipes you are able to "copy" from your friends to put in your scrapbooks. Each of your boards is like a separate scrapbook for your collections. Hope this helps make it a little easier to use!

  2. Thanks for the shout out! I found some new Pinners to follow, too! =)

  3. Thanks for mentioning my boards - explains the jump in followers. I agree about 'getting' someone by perusing their pins. I am enjoying ideas from so many great thinkers and creative spirits this summer. Pinterest has provided my PLN and in many ways has created a way for me to "bring my own" professional development this summer. Your pins are gold!

  4. These are great resources!! Thank you! (No job yet, but hopefully soon! Thanks for sharing my boards)

  5. Oh... and trust me, from personal experience:
    If you are sharing your boards on your library blog or school website, be sure to keep it clean. I was called out on some Pinterest boards I follow and some of my pins because they were seen as not kid friendly (some 4 letter words). I think we will be judged for our morals/beliefs by what we pin... fair or not, it has happened to me. Even though I didn't pin the things, I follow the people that might pin PG13 things...

  6. Thanks for the shout-out, Ms. O! See ya on the Pinterest boards!

  7. Wow, I feel like a rock star! Thanks for the shout-out and for introducing me to some new Pinterest peeps to follow! I love all of the idea gathering and sharing that happens via Pinterest. Now, if I were only as good as keeping my school website current as I am keeping my Pinterest boards current, but that woud require less pinning!

  8. Thanks for bringing these pinners to my attention. I take Pinterest VERY seriously and work hard to curate boards that are appreciated by teachers and librarians alike. So far 19,642 educator/book lover/library/teacher/art folks have found me and that's a good thing.

    Debbie Clement
    PreK+K Sharing, editor-in-chief

  9. I'm a brand new Pinterest fan. I can relate to the "serious 'time sucker'" comment...found myself pinning at 3 a.m. But what an incredible repository for teaching ideas that will save far more time than my current addiction spends. Right now, I'm feeling guilty, because I'm madly pinning everyone's fabulous ideas and I'm not contributing anything. Hope to change that in the future. Thank you Tracee Orman, Lisa Johnson, and Stephanie Presutti for allowing me to play (and shamelessly repin) in your boards.

  10. Thanks for the shout out! I LOVE Pinterest (and your blog, too!)
    Valerie Byrd Fort

  11. I'd love it if you added me to this list! My blog is

    My pinterest page is

    What a great idea for connecting us together to share ideas!
