Rhyming Words ... match pictures of rhyming words. It is VERY simple. Wish you could control which words were offered.
Poetry Creators ... like the magnetic words on the refrigerator.
Story Maker ... basic app is free but of course to get most of the content there are in-app purchases (which you can easily block in the iPad settings).
Shel Silverstein ... animations from his website.
Alphabeast ... funny ABC book. Still need to come up with the task cards. When I do you'll know!
Mad Libs
Smule ... it's just the freebie version. "Play" piano songs. Not sure what the library use will be so it may or may not be deleted.
FacesiMake ... TOO FUN. You must pair it with My Dog Is as Smelly as Dirty Socks and My Best Friend Is as Sharp as a Pencil. Wonderful for poetic language lessons.
The two neon "drawing" programs (Glow Draw and Glow Jump)? I actually heard about them from a presenter who had a 1:1 classroom. She used them for math and having the kids show their work. I still have to figure out how to best yes them in the library. Right now? PRETTY.
Chalkboard is pretty much what it sounds like. Could be fun for creating screen shot images.
I got the three drawing apps when they were free.
The two Lego ones? Well ... what you might expect from freebies. OK but don't expect too much.

Part One (book apps). Part Two (media creation and video apps). Part Three (Notes, Utilities, & MindMapping). Part Four (teacher librarian apps).
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