I'll be the first to admit mind-mapping and graphic organizers are hard for me. I just don't ... quite THINK like that. But many kids do so we differentiate, no?
I first heard about iCard sort from the TechChef4U blog. I think there is potential and when I have some sorts ready I will post.
The other ones ... I might delete PearlTrees. It was free. Inkflow is cool but the coolest parts? Of course do not come in the free version. It's basically like a sketchbook app. iBrainstorm is another sort of sticky note app.
Pages was just so that we'd have an easier word processor ... and could move Word documents in if for any reason we'd want to.
Still have Popplet Lite. Could move that one to MindMapping.
You MUST get ScribblePress! They have a Pinterest presence although it's more for the brick and mortar locations. But I love the pic of the girl holding her published book because ... hello. You can do that with this app. And in writing stations? With all of the virtual marker types available?
Evernote Peek? I'll write more about that when I finish my goal of mastering Evernote. ;]
NoteLedge ... you can share your notes (written, typed, images, audio clips, etc. via email) so small groups could work on a sort of virtual scrapbook. I have not played with it enough yet to see if, for example, I could create content that would be useful for others. And do the users on the receiving end of the email have to have the app to be able to open it and view the content? It says "Share via Slideshow Mode" but what does that mean? Still. I like the looks and usability of it so hopefully you will see this again.
Notability is only $.99 right now and it syncs with Dropbox. Could be good for paperless annotation of pdfs and other files you have kids completing at a station. Plus as a side note it has all sorts of cool virtual effects like patterned paper and highlighters.
Too Noisy? That one should be moved. Oops! It monitors noise levels using the iDevice microphone. I don't know how accurate it is. I feel like the hallways are pretty noisy but then again after years of working in a hallway you both get immune and hypersensitive to it. Probably ... Utilities? It's usually the classes in the hallway that don't notice how loud they are being walking through our space. So even if this was up on the SMART board while we were working (and ... why would I waste the SMART board space?) the ones who would need to see it would not be paying attention. In a classroom, however? Could be quite handy.
Skitch is the greatest thing ever for taking screenshots and annotating. If you work on a Mac you probably already know about it. It's free now that Evernote bought it. When I first purchased it it was $10, I think? But totally worth it. You can have kids take pictures of things and label them EASY BREEZY. Or highlight parts of webpages you really want to concentrate and focus on.
i-nigma is a QR code reader.
The little leafy looking thing? That is the student version of Nearpod. The teacher one is in MY folder. If you have more than one device available you should totally download it. You can have kids enter a code and then they will see your slideshow on their devices. AND you can monitor if they leave the slideshow and go off to do other things. And yes, the student version is available in an iTouch/iPhone version.
Again, if there is something you are interested in please comment. I'm sort of giving this overview to keep ME honest and accountable that I use this device to the best of my ability in the coming year.

Part One (book apps). Part Two (media creation and video apps).
(They don't have links yet to all of the apps. I'll get there eventually.)
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