Hootsuite lets you schedule Tweets or FB status updates ahead of time. And it will let you filter so that you only see certain hashtags on Twitter ... like #tlchat or #titletalk. (Both have taught me a lot!)
Kindertown is a nice database of apps.
You'll also notice a couple of reminder apps and iMovie trailers. So far the reminder apps ... don't remind me of much. Of course I don't always remember to set these.
Flipboard is AWESOME if you use either Google Reader, Twitter, or Facebook. Kind of turns new content from all of them into a personal "magazine" that you can flip through. And did I mention it's free?
Evernote. Remember Goal One?
TeachersPick sounded good back in May ... it was cheap (not free, but cheap) and basically a virtual version of the popsicle sticks with student names ... to help you remember who is participating and who you've called on? Seeing an entire school it gets really hard to remember. I actually saw another app on Pinterest that sounded even more interesting (you could tie it to your schedule so that info came up when a particular class was visiting) but of course I didn't repin it and now I can't find it. Drat.
Pinterest. Ummm ... duh.
Ted Talks. Fun. Interesting. Have you seen the one about the power of introverts?
Bloom is a little reminder app that lets you sort of take care of a virtual tree. If you complete reminders in areas you set goals (professional, health, spiritual, family, etc.) you earn points to grow your tree. I got an email the other day because I hadn't visited my tree in over a week. So ... oops. Been neglecting my goals. :/
TechChef4U is an awesome directory of apps! Also look for her iBook Hot Apps for H.O.T.S.
Right now Dropbox is one of the easiest ways I can move bigger files over to the iPad. It's so strange but my school laptop won't recognize it for syncing. Even had the tech guys come look at it ... but being the least week of school they didn't get the issue resolved.
The Dracula one was a freebie at some point I wanted to try out. It's OK ... but they messed with the original story somewhat. If I were a HS librarian I might keep it or tell people about it. This one is NOT for elementary.
Goodreads. I HEART GOODREADS. Sort of like a FB for readers. If you are a member and want to find me I am here.
Overdrive. Check out ebooks and audiobooks without having to truly go to the library. Only set up a free Adobe Digital Editions account first. Trust me. You'll need it. Once.
Zite is sort of like Flipboard. I know Flipboard better so I use it more. I got the Martha Stewart app when it was free. It's pretty cool for making little printables like quotes from book ... but of course my hands are tied in purchasing the extra virtual stuff that would cost money. 7 Little Words is a fun word game! There's that Teacher version of Nearpod. You'll hear about that again.
I need to explore Snapguide some more. Heard a couple people talk about it at iPadpalooza. One presenter showed it in terms of finding or creating help for staff. Another teacher showed it as a way his students created content for audiences.
Have fun!

Part One (book apps). Part Two (media creation and video apps). Part Three (Notes, Utilities, & MindMapping).
I think we'll do one more on Thursday ... with the Reading & Writing folder of apps as well as Arts and Reference. Are you totally overwhelmed? Like I've said before ... this is to keep me honest using them! When I have more specific info on each I will share. Thank you so much for reading.
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