1) I already asked a couple parents if they thought "bedtime bundles" would go over well. I saw them at our public library. Basically it's a preselected 4-5 books tied up in curling ribbon and sent home once a week. They were based on a theme (cows, snakes, frogs, fairy tales, etc). There's a new book to read almost every night (along with a night or two to repeat a favorite). I was thinking of having parents sign up like at Meet the Teacher Night as well as the first week or two of school. My original thoughts are to let what ... about 20 families sign up for a bundle twice a month? Just to see how it goes (if families really return the bundles on time and if we can keep up with the shelving)? If I was super on top of things I'd get like cute bags and all ... but it's better to start half-crocked than wait forever until it is "perfect," isn't it?
2) How could I do more of this in OUR space when it feels like 9.9 days out of 10 I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off. You know the drill. So far these are my random ideas. Most of them are as cheap as I can think of because hello ... 700+ kids and 30 something teachers? Parents? You have it a little easier. Still budgets but you should also check out this blog series ... 150 Ways to Give a Book. Still have to think through the "delivery" as of course if one student gets something they all want it. But for those kids who really need the attention ... how fun would this be? Would feel like Santa Claus. These are in very random order as this was just how blogger uploaded them.
Pretty easy. A blank Stanley template and a (stamped) envelope? And possibly even a pre-addressed envelope of a friend willing to write back. Kiddos would love mail and love seeing pics of "their" Stanley elsewhere but may not know anyone to send it to. Only ... I wonder if you'd have to like not even share the student's name for privacy concerns. Hmmmm.
This one was a little harder. A cheap magnifying glass or flashlight? (Really for any of the Nancy Drews or any other mystery.) Or if budget is really limited (and whose isn't) a diecut cutout bookmark of one of those shapes.
A yellow crayon? Or again a diecut? (I just gave my copy away so I'm trying to remember what color Ivan liked to use in the story.)
A piece of green paper ready to fold. Or ... I just saw on Pinterest some homemade light sabers using duct tape and pool noodles. Occurred to me that the package of straws I picked up just because the colors were so bright and cheery ... with a little bit of black electrical tape couldn't it look like a light saber bookmark? Maybe it's the SW Nerd in me who is, BTW, SO EXCITED ABOUT STAR WARS READS DAY.
Is it possible to get even fake shark's teeth necklaces inexpensively? Or like a little "kit" with the basic materials and directions to make something like this.
This one's easy with some help from the teacher. A little anonymous note to the student (just like in the story) expressing appreciation for some of their positive qualities. Then have it mysteriously appear in their desk (while at specials or what have you). Would have to probably mention something about oh, BTW, this is a library book so please return it. But still. A thank you note. We all like them.
A similar idea could also work for Chasing Vermeer ... a mysterious letter appearing in the classroom/desk addressed to a student.
Note to self. Stock up on plastic spider rings when Halloween gets closer. Or, even better, when it's over and they are on clearance. (Check other holiday related items ... rats, skeletons, turkeys, gingerbread men, snowflakes, valentines, Easter eggs, etc. for other possible ideas.)
Save the trading cards that sometimes come in the issues of SI for Kids and hand them out as special bookmarks to kiddos reading sports related books.

PS I still remember ... not sure how I even got it but I received a BEAUTIFULLY packaged preview of All the World. It was in a box of shredded tan paper with a small shell and pretty blue stone. Lovely, lovely, lovely.
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