Made a stop by B&N as well as had a bunch of picture books come in from hold requests at the library! My two favorites are probably the second and third from the bottom. So ... scroll down!

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Saw this on my visit to the bookstore this morning ... and I liked it. Depicts so many different acts of courage ... large and small. Will have to get a copy for school.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
As an adult and an Anglophile? LOVE.
Not sure what kiddos would think, though.

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This one is a little preachy. That said? It's one of the more enjoyable preachy titles I've seen. One to use when discussing compromise. And bedtime.

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Is it because I am not a cat person? Or, necessarily, a foodie?
Don't get me wrong. The illustrations were cute and I can think of some kids who would like looking at it for the little cat.
But I'm having a hard time figuring out why we need a children's picture book about Julia Child. :/
Hmm. Anyway. I am not the target audience. If you are I'm sure you'll enjoy it!

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Does one need to have read the first one to properly enjoy this one?
Love the illustrations. And I like the story ... we can all use friends to help us get over nerves and reach our full potential.
If I was going to read this to some kids? Would need to practice my Elvis voice. And come up with a couple others. ;]

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I liked the illustrations more than the story. But that's OK. ;]

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Still love the illustrations. And the story was OK ... I just liked the first one better. This one shows the initial "problems" between Otis and the rest of the farm ... and the bull.
On my grandpa's farm? We were not allowed anywhere near the bull's pen.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
How is it I did not really know about him? Must get these for the school collection!

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Great. Another one I might want to own. I do not have room! But I LOVE the illustrations. And the story is a new one to me. I'd like to read and know more. Maybe even a five star. I might go back and change that!
Other reviewers have mentioned that we would no longer make the same choices Mrs. Harkness did ... and take a baby panda from the wild. Definitely true. For that time, though, it did manage to do a lot of good for the panda. So perhaps we will allow her that bit of leeway.
Will definitely be adding this one to the school collection!

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
It was interesting ... maybe a three and a half. I keep going back and fourth.
The photography was solid. The story flow was solid. There were different characters (the grad students studying different effects as well as scientists and Inuit people) that added dimension to the story.
And I guess I should be fair. The title does say PEOPLE of the whale. I just would have liked more information about the whales themselves! So maybe it's not fair to rate on the lower end?
Interesting reading this the day after I read Writing to Explore: Discovering Adventure in the Research Paper, 3-8. Teacher and author worked together on that one and after reading his original work I can definitely see the influence in the way the teacher taught and the students responded. Still would love to try that activity!
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