I just made this. I totally made up the numbers just to play around with the interface. Right now I have the free membership but I am considering the education one. $30! More options! Though I do not know if students could use that account with a generic password or if you would have to purchase ... I think I saw something on there about contacting them for like $1 a student?
The fact it's so easy to design one with made up info? Another teachable opportunity ... who made that infographic you just found on the web. Do they know what they are talking about?

Thoughts: Haven't played with it enough to tell if younger students could make simplified ones. Right now? Thinking fourth or fifth could start with some modeling. DEFINITELY older students (middle and high school).
If you've been following the Centered School Library blog she's posted about reasons to teach kids to design infographics. I won't go into that here.
The real question is coming up with the data. Students could research endangered animals or sources of energy or comparing information about places they'd like to visit.
School librarians? Anything you might put on a data board or even in a newsletter. Way to make it more interesting!
What say you? If you would like a more detailed step by step I could do that after some more practice (going to try some of the student ideas I listed above). If you have ideas of data sets for library promotion PLEASE SHARE because that is the real "money" part and so not my forte. Data collection. :/

Still poking around their site ... didn't need it to figure out the actual site "How To" but will look further into the "Research," "Validating," and "Structuring a Story" tutorials.