Good! Finally got things together in time enough to
participate. Thanks Teach Mentor Texts and all of the other bloggers that keep it up!
Technically this is a mix of maybe ten day's worth but oh well. ;]
The Nine Pound Hammer by
John Claude Bemis
My rating:
3 of 5 stars
Finished this on the drive home yesterday. No, I was not behind the wheel. And only in short spurts. Can't read too many print books anymore or I get carsick.
Anyway. Totally unrelated. This book ...
I liked it. I like the characters and I think there is possibility.
But I also felt like something just wasn't quite ... there. I found myself skimming rather than deeply reading. Some of the mythology just didn't ... work.
So we'll see. Haven't checked yet to see if book 2 is finished (this was just an impulse pick off of the shelf).
A Hero For WondLa by
Tony DiTerlizzi
My rating:
4 of 5 stars
A wonderful example of science fiction. Really enjoying this ... just wish it wasn't quite so long. I can't help but feel the world could have been built without quite so much detail. Then it would be accessible to more students.
But then again that might be what makes it believable.
(PS Tony DiTerlizzi "liked" my review on Goodreads. Now I wish I'd written more!)
Framed by
Frank Cottrell Boyce
My rating:
3 of 5 stars
Funny. But I'm fairly familiar with ... British-isms. Not sure my students would get some of the jokes.
Although here's one that crosses "cultural" lines. :)
"'He's painted someone so ugly that anyone looking at it would think, 'I'm not so bad after all.' when you first see it, it's horrible. But if you just keep looking, it makes you feel great. I feel like a million dollars now.'
Lester opened his mouth, but he said nothing. You could see shed given him something to think about."
(p 154-155)
Tracker: A Short Story Exclusive by
James Rollins
My rating:
4 of 5 stars
Totally enjoyed meeting these new additions to the Sigma Force "universe." And how handy ... downloaded it from the iBookstore when I was stuck in the courthouse basement all day for jury selection.
Plus NOW I TOTALLY WANT TO READ BLOOD LINE. FYI: this is a "grown-up" book.
Annie's Adventures by
Lauren Baratz-Logsted
My rating:
3 of 5 stars
A quick read that was an impulse pick from the shelf. I actually liked it. Random funny lines I think even the kiddos would "get." An accessible length--got some kids who live fantasy but just do not have the reading skills or stamina for 300 pages plus.
A little frustrating that the story is quite serialized ... do not expect anything like closure at the end. And it would be nice if two if the three adults whew sides the parents weren't total jerk characters.
View all my reviews
Up This Week?
Finishing The Magic Half (downloaded to iBooks while I was stuck in the jury pool).
Cold Cereal
Finish One Year in Coal Harbor
For the love of Pete, finish some Rick Riordan. I love his stuff. Why has it been so hard to FINISH?
And maybe any more of the Netgalleys that I let expire :[ that I can still redownload. Or one of the paperbacks on the shelf that I picked up at a the bookfair and haven't read yet. Or a library find. We'll see! That's the beauty of #bookaday and #summer!

#alaleftbehind and #isteleftbehind