Two more days of school! Then several more days of cleaning up, decluttering, writing reports (BLAH! a necessary evil), tech camp (which reminds me, I need to go back and look at the photo editing page and make sure it is up to date and then republish it!) and summer break really will begin.
Super excited for #bookaday. Brought home a stack of books from school. Still have a stack from the public library. Still have some on my shelves I haven't read yet (I am not the only person who does that, right? Buys books and then even though I really do want to read them they keep getting put off because the library ones have to be returned?). And still have several on my Nook ... some purchased and some from Netgalley that I hope haven't already expired!
Have to go with an easier post today ... a roundup of some library/book related pins I've happened upon the last couple of weeks. Will be back soon with some of the other projects for the summer. As well as a real What I've Been Reading post.
A Scaredy Squirrel inspired bag. I want. Even if in this pic it is modeled by a little boy. There's a whole series on this blog about projects inspired from kids' books.
We got an iPad for the library! One iPad. Which is better than no iPad. And a bit of $$$ to get some apps. So ... playtime this summer with planning!
Goal this summer? Learn to properly use Evernote. Had an account for a couple years but I hardly ever use it and can't get rid of the feeling I'm missing out.
How crazy would it be to try to do these with kids in the fall? Not all of them. But maybe the ones who finished one of the summer reading challenges or something?

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