
Sunday, April 29, 2012

What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What are you Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journeys. It is a great way to recap what you read and/or reviewed the previous week and to plan out your reading and reviews for the upcoming week. It's also a great chance to see what others are reading right now… who knows, you might discover that next “must read” book!

Our Kid Lit to YA version is hosted by Teach Mentor Texts.
Check out all of the What Are You Reading? participants for awesome title ideas.

This Week's Adventures

On the Day I Died: Stories from the GraveOn the Day I Died: Stories from the Grave by Candace Fleming
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Also read through NetGalley. This would be a great middle school choice. Recognized some of these legends while others were new. At least to me. ;)

How to Teach a Slug to ReadHow to Teach a Slug to Read by Susan Pearson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Kids will like the pictures but they may not "get" the irony in the illustrations and book titles. I'm going to recommend it to parents, though, cause it really does give some great tips that would transfer well to helping teach to teach their children how to read.

Out of Sight, Out of Time (Gallagher Girls, #5)Out of Sight, Out of Time by Ally Carter
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

If I could give like a three and a half or three and three quarters I would. Anything Ally Carter does is worth reading. Her books and characters are so much fun! Girls that are strong and brave and smart and creative. Yes, there might be a cute boy around but he doesn't HAVE to be. They are just handy partners. Like it should be.

Though ... I was pretty confused through the beginning. I obviously should have reread number four cause I just wasn't remembering a lot of it.

Seriously. This entire series along with Heist Society is just BEGGING to be made into a movie. Too much fun action and great settings (thinking of a cliff climb). Just be sure to not make it too teenybopperish and I'm all for it.

Senorita GorditaSenorita Gordita by Helen Ketteman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Apparently I liked this one more than many others. That's OK. No, the rhymes are not all great. But I enjoyed several lines and the illustrations. And to be fair ... I am a Texan. A forfeits does sound pretty tasty. ;)

Variant (Variant, #1)Variant by Robison Wells
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I have to admit ... I wasn't totally convinced I liked this story.

Until the very end.

I'll be back. Question for the book's characters ... is who else will be returning in book two?

View all my reviews

And Next Week?
I still need to finish Throne of Fire. Why is it taking so long? I've owned the book since it came out. I got sidetracked last summer. And now? I guess because it's easier to pick up a book that is 200 something pages because I know I'll finish it pretty quickly. Even if in a week I end up reading 600 pages ... it was over three to five books! So if I don't ... it will definitely be one of the first ones I finish come summer. Along with Serpent's Shadow. I've had that one preordered since January. Don't take my tardiness for not enjoying them cause ... they're awesome!

Picked up a couple cool looking non-fic books at the library yesterday. Curious Critters, Secrets of Civil War Submarines, and Here Come the Girl Scouts.

I have several books on hold still. Will see if one of them comes in. If not? Have some books in the Netgalley queue. Ashen Winter, One Year in Coal Harbor, and Unspoken.

And now I'm going to take some Nyquil. Yes. Again. Seriously. Since I became a teacher? And (sadly) more specifically an elementary school librarian? Immune system of ... whatever has the least helpful immune system. Can't take the day off cause there is too much to do and they don't get me a sub. And they keep pulling my assistant. People still expect the library to run like two people are working their full time when really? It's only one full time any more. Then one part time ... and you can never count on when that part time might be. Is it terrible to say I've discovered I don't much care for circulation? Let me be out in the shelves helping kids find books. Not behind the desk scanning. Blah on scanning. Looking at a self service station for next year but even that takes monitoring. :/

Mulling over ideas for a Piggie and Elephant party for PreK (cause they LOVE the dance game ... we're going to have to pull out tables and let them dance!). Pete the Cat for kinder and first. And some sort of "green" summer reading journal. Like make covers out of cereal boxes and then some cool SIMPLE logs and prompts on the inside? Only what to give the ones who finish when you have no budget ...



  1. You may get your wish on Heist Society!

    And as for the germs, once I vowed NEVER to touch my face with my hands, I didn't get nearly as sick. Used to get sinus infections every time I had a book fair! Hope you feel better soon!

  2. I am trying to read a variety of authors.... different grade levels. Finishing.... Silverfin - the Young James Bond series. Next is the Always War and Dexter the Tough by Haddix. Finally Z is for Moose. Next week I will try some of the Animal Ark and Clement's Keeper of the School.

    I haven't been sick in a few years. I keep Purell on my desk and always wipe down my check out desk with a disinfectant wipe every day. Finally, I have gotten into the habit of not touching my face with my hands for two reasons.... germs and dirty books.
    Oh, I have a volunteer to wipe down the books this year. She worked her way thought the most popular NF and then started picture books and fiction books.
    I always keep a clorox type wipes to catch the grody(sp) ones that come during check in.
