Although I am proud of some decluttering I've been doing at school. Slower week in terms of lessons (good stuff happening with first and second next week and plants but I could not convince 5th ... they are too worried about testing in 10 days or so :[) and I was feeling guilty. But then I realized that a cleaner, less cluttered library space is better for everyone. Just like weeding the collection shelves. Weeding all the lesson "stuff" and tech "stuff" ... it's good for the soul. Reminds me of the good stuff I do have already!
I promise this will stay a mostly teaching/library/book related blog. But at least two of these are book related, right? I just got a Silhouette Cameo (personal diecutting machine). Don't really even know why because I am not a scrapbooker.
But I've been playing with the design software and these are some patterns I've come up with. Hook the machine up to the computer. Feed the paper/vinyl into the machine and it cuts it out for me! Why does this make me so excited? It is silly, I know. Should be exercising. Or reading. Or cleaning.
If I can find some yellow vinyl or contact paper I am totally making a Pigeon to stick on the back of my school laptop. Or a #hatback bear.
Then maybe my personal Mac might get the Death Star. Pretty happy with that one as is. Yoda still needs a little work. I'm no artist!

PS Here is a school use for the Cameo. Already added a couple more. No teaching benefit but it looks nice. Already added another one for 21st Century Skills (ie info lit). And discovered I still need to get rid of some of the "lit appreciation" type lessons cause I have too many. Maybe change that to "literary elements" or something. It's a work in progress. Threw out an entire filing cabinet drawer. And a half.
PSPS Been reading Piggie and Elephant to PreK. They don't know them! And they are enjoying it immensely. I'm almost sad to stop but feel like I should move on.
Find a pattern for a Death Star trench, and I'll hire you to decorate stuff.