
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Cinco de Mayo library signs

So this is just a reminder that back in March I made some signs I like that would totally still fit.. We are getting a four day school week in honor of a local holiday that is just as big around here as cinco de mayo is ... where?

Cause the former Spanish teacher in me so cringes when people call it Mexico's Independence Day. THAT'S IN SEPTEMBER, PEOPLE!

Here is the same post, HTML copied and pasted.

Thought these were kind of fun. Got the clip art from Scrappin Doodles and the borders from Karen Cox. Fiestas are a big deal where I'm from ... and a big one is coming up.

Download the file with all of the mini-posters here. Got an idea for a better "slogan"? Put it in the comments and I'll update the file! I struggled a bit with these. Loved the graphics and wanted to do something colorful in the library ... but wasn't quite sure what to say. I definitely like some of them better than others.

PS This weekend I'll make some bookmarks. I think I got the line art. I have a serious clip art habit. :/

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