
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday Tech

I can't remember if I have mentioned this before. Ignore if I have.

I used to love Firefox. It was faster, there were add-ons that I liked (Talon, for one), and it had tabbed browsing before IE. Blech on IE is all I can say.

And then Firefox got weird. Got slow. Kept needing updates that wouldn't work. Kept crashing.

So I tried Chrome. If you do not use Chrome ... go download it now. Even if you don't use it all the time still have it available.

photo credit: Stuck in Customs via photopin cc 
(This is a different kind of chrome but hey ... makes it more interesting to have a pic in the post, no? )

Some of my favorite apps from the Webstore ...

  • Aviary
  • Awesome Screenshot
  • Hootsuite (don't use it as often as I could ... but when I remember it's cool to be able to schedule things and it helps to follow Twitter)
  • Pixlr Grabber
  • Add to Amazon Wish List (I am an Amazon junkie. Contributing to the demise of the small-business owner. :[)
  • Send to Google Docs (new one ... but handy!)
  • QR Code Generator
  • Pixlr Editor
  • Pixlr-o-matic
  • Tilt Shiftmaker (cool photo effects!)
  • Photo Collage
  • Speech Recognizer

Only been using Chrome regularly for ... a little over two months. Do you have a favorite that I need to try?

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