
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Thoughtful Thursday

Ummm ... not so much.

Bookfair? And (WORSE if that can be possible) ... bookfair acounting. The numbers never match!
High Stakes Testing?
Lots o' other drama in the "grand scheme not important but surely annoying day to day"?
Dumb pollen that makes me sneeze and my head want to explode?

photo credit: barbourians via photopin cc

Can I have a repeat spring break? Pretty please?

Today I had to throw together a PreK storytime cause I didn't think I'd be there but I was. Standby favorite that NEVER fails to please? MO WILLEMS and Piggie and Elephant. I love how excited they got. Actually stayed in their seats and listened to the stories. And laughed. PreK doesn't always do that. ;] Of course then only five of them had brought their books back. That's what you get for having bookfair the week after spring break.

Back on Friday with This Just Pinned. And next week, hopefully, with some finalized plans for and beginnings of cool animal research (first grade), alternate energy sources research (fifth grade), and book trailers (book clubs). That'd be cool, right? And maybe a Hunger Games movie review.

Actually, I still need to see Hugo. I bought it. But I haven't watched it. YET.

Dear Bookclub that Meets on Friday,
So ... I haven't read the book yet. PLEASE FORGIVE ME. Cinder looks really good. But I'm still waiting for the library hold to come through.

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