
Thursday, March 29, 2012

This Just Pinned #4

School Type Stuff

Like this series of animal research centers. Would just like it even more if I could figure out how to make it without using so much paper! And remaking it to be less tundra centered and just animals in general.

Learning to properly use Evernote and Dropbox is on my To Do list this summer.

This one is ironic because ... because I am super frustrated with our space right now. Not only do I need to keep library classroom management where it needs to be, apparently I also need to work on the "hallway." Cause we are IN the hallway with no walls and so help me, this does not feel like an environment where anyone can learn, no matter how hard I try. It's too loud and there are too many people walking through at inopportune times. :/

Not School Type Stuff

I just gained five pounds looking at this picture.

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