
Monday, February 13, 2012


Porcupining: A Prickly Love StoryPorcupining: A Prickly Love Story by Lisa Wheeler
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Cushion the Porcupine wants to find love. Don't we all? Well. The picture book crowd may not be looking to get married but they understand wanting friends and someone to play with.

We had fun reading this one today in kindergarten. Started with a non-fic book about porcupines. There are 26 different kinds and they can weigh up to 66 pounds. Did you know that?

Anyway, back to Cushion. He tries to woo a bunny rabbit, a pig, and a beaver with some truly terrible songs that everyone will enjoy singing together off key. Because of course we were out of tune on purpose.

As porcupine books go ... I prefer A Balloon for Isabel. But porcupines AND Valentine's Day? This one is the clear winner!

View all my reviews


  1. 66 pounds? Amazing - that is bigger than most of my Kindergarten students. But weighty issues aside, you've convinced my to pick up a copy of "Porcupining". If I can't locate it tomorrow, I'll have it handy for next V-Day.

  2. We just "read" this via Tumblebooks and the kids loved it. Older students (grade 1/2) enjoyed picking out all of the "prickly" words.
