
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Stations Ahead

Expect to see some of these in action over the next couple of months. Hers and mine. :]

The Centered School LibraryThe Centered School Library by Cari Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

OK. In all fairness I do know the author ... BUT that just makes me more excited to implement some of the ideas in this book. I've seen that they work (and heard through the district grapevine :]).

Like a lot of Upstart books many of the pages are reproducibles that I won't end up using. That's OK. I retype or tweak things to work in my situation. Or one idea from the book sparks another.

I just ordered some of these little recorders to set up at some of the stations.

She suggests some ideas like ABC order, some genre, some book review or book wish list, etc as well as offers some ideas on other ones like book related puzzles.

It's pretty simple but I think my favorite part of it was just the planning page. Helped m e wrap my head around the whole thing.

Make sure to check out her blog.

View all my reviews

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