
Monday, January 9, 2012

It's Monday!

It's Monday! What are you Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journeys. It is a great way to recap what you read and/or reviewed the previous week and to plan out your reading and reviews for the upcoming week. It's also a great chance to see what others are reading right now…who knows, you might discover that next “must read” book!

Our Kid Lit to YA version is hosted by Teach Mentor Texts.

What I Read This Week
Traitor in the Tunnel (WOW! I LOVED THIS MYSTERY, TOO! What luck! Two books in the first week of the year that were most awesome. It's a good sign.)
Legend (I don't mean to not virtually shout about this one. I quite enjoyed it as well.)

Next Week's Adventures
I'm well in to Eye of the Storm, so I'm sure I'll finish that one.
OH! And I need to read the first Marty McGuire book because a 3rd grade class at my school is skyping with the author on Friday and I don't want to look out of the loop. ;]
Then ... The Future of Us.
Also the Nic Bishop Lizards book. And a couple Jerry Pallotta books because he will actually be on our campus in a couple of weeks and we're going to start talking about them in the library.
Speaking of author visits ... I really need to get Darth Paper read because he will, too. Maybe just get my own copies so I can get them signed. The library copies have been out and about among the kiddos since they first were added to the collection months ago!

So my post is lazy again with no links or cover pics. I'm working on it. Always have an excuse ... sleepiness or cedar fever or whatever. Steps. This blog is a work in progress. ;]


  1. Wow, that's a lot of author visits/chats! Impressive. Do you set those up, or is it just sort of whoever wants to? Does your school have a specific budget for that?

  2. It's not the norm to have so many. In fact ... as of right now it's ONLY these this year and they all happen to be within days of each other. We may get a couple more Skype chats in. We use money from either our bookfair or from the PTA to pay for the in person author visits. The Skype ones are short ones (10-15 minutes ... really more of a Q&A than a formal presentation ... but we kind of like that as a change of pace!) that the authors are willing to do for free. Thinking about a couple more in depth ones where the authors do charge ... but they will have to wait until after the spring bookfair. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I wish my district would do Skype! I love Kate Messner and Tom Angleberger. They are both great. I love their books. I keep forgetting about the Future of Us, I'm looking forward to hearing what you think!

  4. Great to hear all your plans; it always makes me enthusiastic, too!

  5. I am supposed to be writing, but I have been enjoying reading your blog! yet-to-be-read THE FUTURE OF US is on the couch next to me. So many good distractions!

  6. I read Wendy Mass's A Mango-Shaped Space this past week. Actually, I read it cover-to-cover yesterday. Thank goodness for reasonably long subway commutes!

  7. lol, I like your comment that your blog is a work in progress - that's my excuse for myself all the time. ;) My husband and I have more projects than any normal person would dare have.
