Jennifer Jones Won't Leave Me Alone! (by Frieda Wishinsky)--so cute. This little girl doesn't get nervous about letting the little boy know she likes him. And hey ... not to spoil the ending but it works!
Splat in Love (by Rob Scotton)--I don't love all of the Splat books but for this one I make an exception. Splat is nervous to give Kitten a valentine but she ... I don't remember exactly but it goes something like "rubs his fur and pokes his belly, ties his tail and calls him smelly." Why? Seymour doesn't know. Do you?
How to Talk to Girls (by Alec Greven)--Love to use this one as a writing lesson. Written by a fourth grader! (With some later editing, I'm sure, but still. ;]) I still remember when we first got a couple copies in the library. Word started spreading and fourth and fifth grade boys would come in all red-faced and embarrassed and ask me "Do you have that book?"
Bubba the Cowboy Prince (by Helen Ketteman)--a retelling of Cinderella. I don't mean to be stereotypical but as a cowboy drawl is the only "accent" I can do I love reading this one every year.
The Jalapeno Man (by Debbie Leland)--this one makes us all laugh. The illustration could have improved a little but the idea? For those of us who are ... shall we say deep in the heart? Priceless.
Fast five that I hadn't heard of before - thanks for introducing me to a few new books, and for the concise, well written overviews.