
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Fast Five Friday: Calm a Frazzled Librarian's Heart

It happens to all of us. Please say it happens to all of us? We get what we think are brilliant instructional ideas, or brilliant professional development ideas, or even brilliant personal ideas. And then just like when you put books on hold five weeks apart at the library and they all come in at once ... all of the "brilliant" ideas come together to create utter chaos.

So ... while I really don't want a bunch of desserts (even though sometimes you'll see me sneak some chocolate), today's Fast Five will be ways to help a librarian chill out when he or she has overdone it.

1) The tech is slow. SLOW. And of course one of the four stations to work on today is using an online dictionary. Pop in with "That's OK, Ms. O. We know we don't have 4G technology."

2) After having just gone through five or six students who didn't like anything come up and mention how much you liked a book. Doesn't even have to be one I recommended (but it's extra cool when it is).

3) Get as geek thrilled excited as I do when checking out a new title, a new tech tool, a cool research topic, or a new blog comment. GEEK THRILLS, PEOPLE.

4) Draw me a picture where you took some time. Could be your rendition of the Wimpy Kid, or Olivia, the scary hag from The Last Apprentice, or your dog Rover. Doesn't matter, I'll love them all.

5) Once in a while, let me take a nap out in my car during lunch. I know. How weird is that.


  1. Or, as I told a 6th grader who tells me how much he hates to read EVERY time he comes into the library (thrice a day)-- "Lie to me. Tell me you love to read. Tell me I'm awesome. You'll get better service." His reply? "Oh!"

  2. Love the photo and this post. And, I love your comment Ms. Yingling! :) I'll use that one on my students.

  3. Napping in the car does have a certain vulnerable nature about it. Isn't there a supply closet or something? I remember times when I was so exhausted at work that I'd look underneath my desk and wish I could fit curled up down there.
