
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Also loved the Traitor in the Tunnel!

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Loved it. Even in the throes of stupid cedar fever and wanting to scratch my eyes out I loved it. Great characters. Great plot twists. Can't tell you about my favorite parts because they would be serious spoilers. :]

If you like period pieces at all then you have to read this series. Read 'em in order.

And ... more, please? Please? Was just talking to some kiddos at school today about how not all books need to be a series. But I want more!


  1. Read the first in this series and _loved_ it!

  2. I loved the first one! I'm not sure why I didn't read the second one, but obviously I need to get on that!

  3. Wonderful to meet you, Ms. O! And hey, a book you can adore while scratching your eyes out is definitely one to tell the world about. :) Thanks for visiting my blog... DON'T FEED THE BOY should hit the Goodreads site just as soon as their webcrawlers find it. I love that TBR feature too!

  4. I love the look of your blog! I have never heard of this series, so I will have to check it out. I am usually a first in the series only kind of girl, but I can always make exceptions.

  5. Deb ... Keep going! It's awesome.
    Amy ... yes, you do! This third one will be out next month. Got a little advanced peek through NetGalley. It just might be my favorite. The problem with getting a sneak peek at #3 is now it's that much longer to wait for #4.
    Irene ... thanks for the info. If it's hard for readers to wait for books to be published I'd bet it's even WORSE for authors!
    Christy ... thank you so much! I will make sure to let my sister-in-law know. I found the argyle and clip art image but she did all the fancy shmancy stuff with the header. She's a talented photographer. And ... really? I am too impatient for that. Want more of the story. But that is actually a goal this year. Slow down and enjoy the writing more.
    Thanks everyone! I love this comment challenge!

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love the design of your blog. I have not heard of this series before but I love English period writing (and movies!) so I will have to check this one out. Thanks for the review!

  7. ALways on the lookout for great books to read next- awesome! Your blog is really cute. It's always nice to meet someone else who loves post-it notes as much as I do! Thank you for the nice comment you left on my blog! :)

  8. So looking forward to this releasing in the US in Feb. I did very much enjoy the first two titles. Over the holidays I read the entire Enola Holmes middle grade series. Similar period, also with a strong female character, only of course, meant for a younger audience.
