
Monday, December 19, 2011

Wish List

So I'm totally stealing Lemme Library's idea. Just for fun because I am procrastinating the gym again. (Insert Slightly Disappointed in Myself Sad Face Here)

WALLS. There. I had to say it. The lack of walls and the three hundred people walking six feet away when I'm trying to read a story or go over a mini-lesson before a laptop or SMART board activity? OVER THAT.

But really ...

I will start with these two. Just began a morning Lego Club ... oh, about six weeks ago. We "free built" for the first month or so, then they had to build the letters "HH LIBRARY" for me. Pics taken and will eventually be posted. In January I think we'll start with some animal challenges ... build a bird (any bird ... our mascot is the hawk), a mammal, a reptile, etc. Then maybe some transportation. Thought about an Angry Birds ... what would you call that. Set? But not sure I want to be picking up Legos for three months afterward.

How fun would these be to build? And then display all prettily?

Had someone donate some Duplos. At first I was all like "What am I going to do with these?" But then I saw this on Pinterest and a new idea for January was born.

More later.

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