
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Stuff to Do

So, for a while now I've noticed a slight ... I don't want to call it a problem, because it's not really. Just noticed that kiddos are not always using their time in the library to the best advantage. If they were talking about books I'd be all for it. But they've gotten a little careless. Especially the ones that forgot to bring their books back!

Enter my friend, the mistress of all things Library Centers.

Taken me a while to wrap my head around it. And I've tried a few before now with some success and some not. Going to ask for more support from teachers ... explain it a little better to them and they'll be more likely to encourage their kids to participate! They're all tired of the same "freebie" books and magazines that we have for the ones who can't check out. They're tired of them and I'm tired of them!

But come January we are pulling out the stops. It's not as organized as I would have liked it to be, but if I wait until then I could be waiting for a very long time! Start with something and improve it as we go along.

Several of the ones we'll start out with I got off of TPT and the blog world. I should have kept better track of some of the ones from the blog world. I just saved copies in Google Docs. Ooops. Most of them were discovered via Pinterest. If anyone needs an invite just let me know! Lots of great teaching ideas on there (as well as other things to distract you ... recipes, decorating ideas, funny stuff ... just go into it saying "I have 20 minutes to play on Pinterest right now and NO MORE" and you'll be OK!).

Top 10 ListsI thought I'd print out a few of these on the poster printer and let the older kids have at it. Very curious to see what they'll come up with!

That same seller has some great creative thinking and analogy pages that I've laminated and picked up some super fun dry erase CRAYONS to use and reuse. Oh, have I mentioned on here how much I love the new home laminator I got on an Amazon lightning deal? Our laminator at school is ALWAYS BREAKING.

Writing Task Cards ... I love these. Still haven't figured out how to deal with the time issue ... some of the prompts will obviously take longer than others.

Some rhyming and ABC order things I found on blogs. Sorry. No links. Bad teacher librarian.

I totally want to get some of these Doodle books that I saw in B&N the other day. Not in the budget immediately but I hope to get some as soon as I can. They are not "just" about drawing ... some great creativity and thinking outside the box possibilities.

Oh, and some book puzzles.

And I just looked for something CC licensed on Flickr so that there would be an image on this post. Couldn't find anything I liked. Let's make that Resolution #3. Work on images to enhance posts with my pretty new blog design!

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