
Monday, December 26, 2011

It's Monday! What are you Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journeys. It is a great way to recap what you read and/or reviewed the previous week and to plan out your reading and reviews for the upcoming week. It's also a great chance to see what others are reading right now…who knows, you might discover that next “must read” book!

Our Kid Lit to YA version is hosted by Teach Mentor Texts.

What I Read

Finished The Scorpio Races! Took me a while to get "in" to it but in the end it was awesome.
Finished Maphead. Still don't know what possessed me to pick that one because it is not my "usual" ... but I did enjoy it.
Picked up Survival at 40 Below. I really liked that one ... need to get it for our school collection ASAP!
Spent some time with my niece so I got in some picture books. Every Cowgirl Needs a Horse, A Firefly in a Fir Tree, and If You Give a Dog a Donut.
We did have two days of school ... with Kinder we enjoyed When Cows Come Home For Christmas.

This Week's Adventures

I am three-fourths of the way through Amelia Lost already, so I'll get that one done.
Still have most of my stack from the library from last week. Also some Netgalley titles AND a couple that I totally forgot I downloaded from B&N onto my Nook until they sent me a link asking me to review them.
Plus I am on my way to B&N this morning. Every year I go the day after Christmas because the calendars go on sale. Will I pick up some books, too? ;]

PS It has to be said again. I LOVE MY NEW BLOG DESIGN! My sister-in-law did it for me ... she is an excellent photographer but hadn't tried a lot of graphic stuff before but she did awesomely! I was watching her thinking "I don't know how to do that ... I WANT to know but I don't." Only ... shhh! Don't tell the people who might be attending my PD sessions in Jan/Feb. Will ruin the mystique. ;]

PS#2 For Christmas that same sister in law? She gave me a "I Like Big Books and I Cannot Lie" totebag. Cute! I should go take a picture of it. This post needs graphics. I need to figure out how people put book covers up and link them to their review post. I don't know how to do that, either.


  1. Mrs O.-

    I have got to get Survival at 40 Below since our reading story when we get back is about exploring the Arctic!!! Thanks for the recommend!

    This is how I add book covers to my posts.

    Search google images and find the book cover.
    Right click on it and save as a jpeg file to your pictures.
    Insert it while you are writing your post.

    Hope that helps! :)


  2. Wow, going to a bookstore after Christmas! Hope it was nice & quiet & fun to browse! And, wish they could mark things down like every other store! I love A Firefly In A Fir Tree, beautiful. Still haven't gotten to The Scorpio Races, will put it on the list! Thanks!

  3. I love your blog design too! Such a nice background.
    And I am intrigued by Scorpio Races. Many tweeps are reading it and enjoying it- I may have to get my hands on it.
