
Monday, December 12, 2011

Holiday Books Part 2

Here are some more! Cause as soon as I hit publish, yep. Thought of a few more. Or had other people remind me of a few more.

Bear Stays Up for Christmas

I totally love all of Karma Wilson and Jane Chapman's books. The Bear ones happen to be favorites though they've got some other good ones as well. Anyway. MAKE SURE to get this one!

The Channukah Guest

We used to have a fairly large number of Jewish students at our school so it was looking for something for them that led me to this one. It's still my favorite Hannukah story (once I looked up the difference in the spelling ... I don't remember what it is, now). This one's pretty old but to have an older lady think a bear was her rabbi ... it's fun! Wish we could make latkes in the library. That would be cool. We always just have to compare them to McDonald's hashbrowns.

If You Take a Mouse to the Movies

Love Laura Numeroff and Felicia Bond's circle stories. This is no different. Been working on If You Give a Reindeer a Rootbeer stories this week with 1st grade. Thank you Pinterest for first showing me the idea (which was actually done by a talented teacher but I just have to plug Pinterest because it's fun and useful for school!)

Llama Llama Holiday Drama

Love her paintings and love just saying "Llama Llama." Check out the YouTube reading if you haven't seen it.

Merry Christmas Mom and Dad

I loved (and collected) Little Critter books before I ever even knew I was going to be a librarian. Is that strange? He just tries so hard to be good.

The Night Tree

The illustrations are what make this one. The soft lighting ... lights are my favorite part of Christmas!

Christmas Cookies

So this one ... really more for adults than children. And I only like the illustrations ... not super crazy about them. But I do love the definitions for different character traits and holiday traditions that are related to each cookie.

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

Remember this OLD movie? The book is better!

Let It Snow

This one is for a young adult reader ... but just look at the authors who contributed. Pretty good. I'd check it out of the library instead of buying it, though. Fun fluffy stories to read this time of year but not ones you'll go back to over and over.

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