
Friday, December 23, 2011

Book Trees

So like a gooberhead I was getting some recent pics off of my school camera card and realized I'd never deleted last year's tress ... and forgot to take pics of THIS years (yet--will do in January when we go back cause I didn't feel like it on our last day--how bad is that!).

Classes adopt some little trees and make ornaments in honor of a book. I need to do a better job of documenting these. I can tell ... one is Wimpy Kid, one is the Seven Habits, one is Dinos in the Snow, and for the life of me I have no idea what the other one is. These are some terrible photos. This year I know we had The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Gingerbread Boy, and The Giving Tree. Other years we've had Dr. Seuss, Trumpet of the Swan, and Bud Not Buddy.

1 comment:

  1. Those are too cute!!! I could get my 6th graders to do something like this next year. :)

