My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Finished! Couldn't sleep so I finished. Creepy! Do not read late at night. The photos will give you the willies.
It always takes so much longer to read when you stop and make notes ... but there are some really cool descriptions in here and I'd like to remember at least a few of them. So jealous of people who can write!
"In the distance I saw a little harbor bobbing with colorful fishing boats, and beyond it a town set into a green bowl of land. A patchwork of sheep-speckled fields spread across hills that rose away to meet a high ridge, where a wall of clouds stood like a cotton parapet." (p 67)
"A vast, lunar bog stretched away into the mist from either side of the path, just brown grass and tea-colored water as far as I could see, featureless but for the occasional mound of piled-up stones. It ended abruptly at a forest of skeletal trees, branches spindling up like the tips of wet paintbrushes, and for a while the path became so lost beneath fallen trunks and carpets of ivy that navigating it was a matter of faith." (p 78)
I wonder if his descriptions have anything to do with his filmmaking or photocollecting hobby. You know ... knows the power of a visual image so well it inspires him to make that part of his story?
AAAACK! I just read a few lines further.
"What stood before me know was no refuge from monsters but a monster itself, staring down from its perch on the hill with vacant hunger. Trees burst forth from broken windows and skins of scabrous vine gnawed at the walls like antibodies attacking a virus--as if nature itself had waged war against it--but the house seemed unkillable, resolutely upright despite the wrongness of its angles and the jagged teeth of sky visible through the sections of collapsed roof." (p 79)
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My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Liked it. Didn't love the ending. Well ... didn't really like Grace in this one, either. Why does Sam care about her so much?
Didn't take any notes on this one so I don't have any quotes to share. Not that there wasn't good writing in here.
Can't wait for The Scorpio Races!
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