
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Google Plus and a mid-Summer Recap

I wrangled an invite and so far it is pretty dull. Don't know many others that already have it. BUT I do like that you can choose "circles" with which to share info. That would make things easier than Facebook considering former students and parents.

Though I do want to be clear ... I don't post anything on FB I would be embarrassed for them to see. Really don't DO anything I would care if they found out about.

It's just good to have boundaries.

That said ... I'm a little behind on my summer professional goals. Still need to get three book trailers done for our district grant. Thinking about a stop-motion Piggie and Elephant one. An iMovie one for The Teacher's Funeral (because it is HILARIOUS and historical fic does not get enough credit--at least in my school!). Haven't decided what the other one will be. Also need to do up a "how to." Would like to use Comic Life but again. MUST SIT DOWN AND DO.

Put finishing touches on a "Connecting with Authors via the Web" presentation. Doing it in Keynote as a way to practice transitions/animations/etc. Though ... I think they use different terms, don't they? Builds, or something like that?

Work on book lists for e-reader grant book club!

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