
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

J is for ...

Steve Jenkins. I love his collage style artwork. Love, love, love. He and his wife do a lot of work together. Most of his can be read on two levels ... through the book the text is more simple. Then at the end there is a wealth of information in the last couple of pages. My favorite might be Actual Size. Or maybe I See a Kookaburra. This is one he did with Mem Fox.

Syrie James. Loved the Jane Austen book. Loved the quotes and in this particular case loved the fictionalized tie ins of her life to her stories. Not as fond of Dracula. Still need to read the Bronte one.

Maureen Johnson. Loved 13 Little Blue Envelopes. We have some differences of opinion on a couple of things but agree on a lot. Her Twitter feed makes me laugh. I wonder how she manages to post so much and still have a life.

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