
Monday, April 11, 2011

Rubia and the Three OsosRubia and the Three Osos by Susan Middleton Elya

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Did not recognize the author's name at first ... til I saw the picture of her book with the seal on the cover.

The rhymes are funny. And she does a great job of mixing both Spanish and English.

I like how in her version Goldilocks tries to come back and make things right. Truly haven't seen that before.

The one thing I don't like ... is that some libraries may think buying this book will constitute filling the needs of their Spanish speaking patrons. It's a cute story ... but it really isn't culturally authentic. It's hard to find children's literature in Spanish that IS culturally authentic. We need more of it. Don't get this and think it covers multicultural requests. Just get it because it's cute ... and keep looking for Mexican or Guatemalan or Puerto Rican folk tales in Spanish. You need some of those, too.

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One Pup's UpOne Pup's Up by Marsha Wilson Chall

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

So cute!

The kids will love this one. Nice counting story that doesn't seem totally forced.

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Wonder BearWonder Bear by Tao Nyeu

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Sadly ... I just don't get it.

I do like her style and can see parts of each picture that I do really enjoy. Just ... as a whole ... I don't get it.

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13 Words13 Words by Lemony Snicket

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Darn it. I don't get this one either.

Of course I am not a huge Lemony Snicket fan, either. I mean ... I really like The Composer Is Dead. But I got kind of tired of The Series of Unfortunate Events. Didn't need thirteen of them.

So I was not the prime audience for this title.

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Bunny DaysBunny Days by Tao Nyeu

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Now, see ... I DID like this one. I've actually seen it before with my sister and niece. Just wanted to see it again before I posted it here.

So cute. These bunnies are adorable. And the bear. So patient as he fixes his little friends.


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