
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Anna and the French KissAnna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Well. I didn't love it as much as everyone else seems to have. That said ... it DID make me want to visit Paris. Or even better yet live there for a while.

But I didn't feel like Anna and Etienne's relationship was quite as believable as I would have liked. There were some definitely nice moments. My apologies for reading it so quickly I didn't stop to take note of them better. They were there! But to excuse their terrible behaviour (cheating on relationships and not being truthful with friends)? I just didn't feel that. People are not perfect, though, so I guess characters shouldn't be. Maybe a three and a half, just to be fair? I did like it. Just didn't LOVE LOVE LOVE it.

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