
Saturday, October 30, 2010


Haven't blogged much this week. What time I had to myself (which wasn't much ... how do women with families do it? It's just me and I feel like I'm running around like a crazy person) I spent reading Juliet by Anne Fortier. I'm not done yet but it's so good. Must catch up on school reading soon.

Never did post last week's book list. Or this weeks. The updated of this week's is still at school. Last week's was on bullying and accepting others. Not gonna say this is the most spectacular list ever but these are some we have in our collection that could work and aren't necessarily on ALL the other lists out there.

Calvin Coconut Trouble Magnet (Graham Salisbury)--On this year’s Bluebonnet list!

The Rat and the Tiger (Keiko Kasza)

One (Katherine Otoshi)--Also works for an art lesson!

Alfred’s Nose (Vivienne Flesher)--Seriously cute photos!

Me and You (Genevieve Cote)

Mouse Was Mad (Linda Urban)

Tough Chicks (Cece Meng)

Can I Play, Too? (Mo Willems)--work with me on this one. It fits!

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