
Monday, September 27, 2010

EEEK! An entire week!

Though those of you in town know about the nasty bug that has been going around. Love the kids. Wish they had better immune systems. Well. Wish I had a better immune system as well.

That said, it's now ... wait for it ... BOOKFAIR week. So ... today I'm taking the easy way out and just going to share WHY I like some of the blogs in the links on the sidebar. Later this week I'll cover some of the books at the fair. Next week some lessons.

Not mentioning a blog doesn't mean it's not worth checking out (I did choose all of them for a reason). Just means I'm not going to say anything today.

Spilling Ink--this is one of the best books on writing I've ever read. Wish I could get class sets into all of the classrooms and that everyone had time to read it aloud and work on the writing "dares."

Rick Riordan--only posts every couple of weeks but when he does it's always interesting ... linking to info on John Rocco (cover art) or new titles or places he's been or whatever.

John Green (YA author)--he and his brother do a series of YouTube videos called the Vlogbrothers. Sometimes useful commentary on current political or environmental issues. Sometimes SUPER FUNNY! (DO NOT miss Nerd Fitness!)

Kinderscares--not sure what these people actually do as a day job but hello. Just love the idea of a place devoted specifically to the "scary" books we are ALWAYS getting asked for. I want to look down at that little face and say "You are five. You don't NEED scary books." But, apparently ... they do.

Jen Robinson's Book Page--Can I even count the number of times I have looked like a rock star because of a link posted in her roundup? Things to share with parents and teachers. And now I am sharing that secret with you.

Free Tech 4 Teachers--MUST. Even if tech makes you a little nervous. He shares too many awesome things (for all age groups). (Tom Barrett)--every once in a while you have to do a little "translating" (he's from the UK). But it's so worth while. Easy ways to integrate tech into teaching.

OK. So at least that's a little short post for today. Content will get better. I am now going to the gym because as much as I dislike it the exercise is good for me. :/

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