
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Just finished

TWO vampire books today. One "grown-up" and one YA.

First of all ... the adult one. Not that there's anything super particularly "adult" about it other than it is Very. Very. Very. Long.

That said? I LOVED IT! And the way I usually tear through books I think that's saying something. I did get a little confused with some of the terminology and the sheer number of characters. In the end, the story kept me awake and pushing toward the end. It's more a story about survivors than anything else. Different angle. Boy, howdy, is it set up for the rest of the planned trilogy. I can't wait.

Then there's the YA one. I didn't love this one as much ... but I won't give up on this series, either, as the premise has potential. Teen BOY who fights the undead. Now there's something new.

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