
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Instead of a book

today I'll just share some links. Still getting back into a school schedule and I am SLEE-PY. They're kind of random. I'll work on getting better at themes.

US National Park Service Photos & Multimedia
Beautiful photo galleries, multimedia presentations, virtual tours, webcams, etc. Make for some great lesson ideas in science and writing. And today I heard about their electronic field trip program through the Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears blog. Looks really cool. Will start hitting up teachers as soon as school starts! (PS Same BPP blog mentioned this webinar series about integrating science and literacy.)

Star Wars Weather
I'm sure there's an educational possibility there. Sure. :]
I'd sort of forgotten about this one. But now that I've remembered ... definite back to school library webpage possibilities there!

DRAT! The embedding function is not working properly. Says the HTML is not closed. Hmmm. I know some HTML but apparently not enough. So I'll just have to say go HERE for a great little video to use with kids on taking care of books.

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